EIS Site Instructions & FAQ


Full - Account Access - Teacher Checklist


  • Creating an Account
  • If this is your first time using the system:
  • You should receive an email with a link to create your account.
  • Follow this link and enter your email to verify it.
  • Check your email for a new unique link to set up the password for your account.
  • Follow this link and type in your password, then type it again to confirm.
  • If the passwords match, click “Set Password” to set your password.
  • You may now login with the new password.
  • Reset Password
  • If you have already created an account:
  • From the login page , click “Reset Password.”
  • Type in your email address and click “Submit”.
  • Check your email for a unique link to follow.
  • On the Reset Password page, type in your new password and confirm.
  • If the passwords match, you can click “Reset Password” to reset your password.
  • You may now login with the new password.
  • Completing Teacher Checklist(s)
  • IMPORTANT: Once started, progress on your checklist cannot be saved and it must be either completed within one hour, or it must be started over. If the checklist is left open for longer than an hour, the session will time out and you will have to start again from the beginning.
  • Click “Begin Checklist”.
  • Next, you can either select a grade level OR simply click “Continue with Selections” to view all students.
  • On the teacher checklist, the names of your students will appear going down the left-hand side and a list of social, emotional, and behavioral risk factors will appear across the top.
  • Review each risk factor and place a check only in the boxes for students who have exhibited those behaviors in the past month. Note: If you have not had the student in your classroom for a full month, consider the time you have had them in class so far.
  • Once you complete a section, click “I am finished with this section” before opening the next section of the checklist.
  • After completing all sections, click “Submit Checklist.”
  • If you have additional students (e.g., you selected only one grade and you have multiple grades), start again by returning to teacher checklist page and click, “Begin.”
  • Thank you for taking the time to complete the teacher checklist. The information is very important.
  • Student Survey
  • Student Survey - Please read the following instructions to your students:
  • You are about to answer a series of statements that ask about your feelings and behaviors over the past month. It is called the Student Survey.
  • We will complete this up to three times a year.
  • This information is very important. It will let us know how to do our jobs better and make sure you are getting what you need to do your best in school.
  • You will use your last name and student ID to log into the survey.
  • Admin - Open Evaluation Cycles
  • Login to the system.
  • From the Dashboard, click “Manage Evaluation Cycles” to open the Administrator Cycle Operations page.
  • If there is currently a cycle open, follow the instructions for Closing and Evaluation Cycle first to close the current cycle.
  • If not, click the “Open New Evaluation Cycle” button.
  • Confirm that you wish to open a new cycle by clicking the “Open New Cycle” button on the window that pops up.
  • The page will reload and the new cycle should now show up in the Current Cycle section with today’s date as its starting date.
  • Admin – Close Evaluation Cycle
  • Login to the system.
  • From the Dashboard, click “Manage Evaluation Cycles” to open the Administrator Cycle Operations page.
  • If there is not a cycle currently open in the Current Cycle section, a cycle will need to be opened first. Follow the instructions above to Open an Evaluation Cycle.
  • If there is a cycle currently open, click the “Close Current Evaluation Cycle” button.
  • Confirm that you wish to close the current cycle by clicking the “Close Current Cycle” button on the window that pops up.
  • The page will reload and the current cycle should now display as closed, and with today’s date as the closing date.
  • Admin - Closing only Student or Teacher Evaluations
  • If you wish to close only the student or teacher portions of the evaluation early (which will automatically generate reports for that portion), click either the Close Surveys or Close Checklists button on the Administrator Cycle Operations page.
  • This will close only that half of the evaluations and generate either Student Survey or Teacher Checklist reports for the currently open cycle.
  • To finish the cycle completely, follow the instructions for Closing Evaluation Cycles.


  • My password isn’t working
  • You may need to set or reset your password.
  • If you have never logged in before: You should have received an email with the subject “Set Up Your EIS Account”. Be sure to check your spam folder. Click the link included in that email to confirm your email address. This will generate an email with the subject “Reset Your EIS Password”. Click the link included in that email to set your password.
  • If you have logged in before but have forgotten your password: Please click the “Forgot Password” link on the login screen. This will take you to a page where you need to enter the email address that is used as your username for EIS. (This should be your school email address). Once you submit your email you will receive an email with the subject “Reset Your EIS Password”. Click the link included in that email to reset your password.
  • What if I have a student who is receiving services (SPED, ELL, counseling, etc)
  • Even if students are receiving supports at school, still complete the teacher checklist for those students just as you would with any other student. This checklist is to identify what each student’s risk is, REGARDLESS of if they already have services for the area. When in doubt, just document what you see!
  • What if I have a new student?
  • Inform your counselor/regional coordinator of the student’s name and ask them to get in touch with the EIS development team to add (pilot only).
  • Will this be evaluative of me?
  • No, this captures a snapshot of your school’s social and emotional health. This is meant to capture what risk your students bring to the table, only.